aage kee or example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest आगे की ओर aage kee or news and headlines :
यदि आपका पेट आगे की ओर कुछ ज्यादा ही निकल आया है तो इस आसन को नियमित रूप से करने से काफी प्रभाव देख सकते हैं bhaskar.com योगा फॉर सक्सेस- इसमें गरदन के लिए अलग-अलग तरह की 5 क्रियाएं हैं -सबसे पहले गर्दन आगे की ओर झुकाएं और साथ ही धीरे-धीरे अपनी ठुड्डी को सीने से टच करें bhaskar.com - जबकि प्रिसेंज शेरलॉट के भाई 3 साल के प्रिंस जॉर्ज बालकनी में आगे की ओर खड़े थे bhaskar.com कलाकार आगे बढ़ेंगे तो संगीत भी आगे की ओर बढ़ सकेगा bhaskar.com वेस्टइंडीज के हाथों मिली हार से फैंस जहां निराश हैं वहीं भारतीय टेस्ट टीम के कप्तान विराट कोहली 'एक बुरा दिन' मानते हुए आगे की ओर देख रहे हैंibnlive.com
Usage and Example of aage kee or 1. वे आगे की ओर बढ़ने लगे। 2. हिलते-डुलते रहो, स्थान बदलते रहो, आगे की ओर मुँह किए रहो तो कोड़े की मार से बच भी सकते हो। 1. This can, at long, fast forward or rewind a stable area to another 2. "" Yahweh said to Isaiah, Go forth to meet Ahaz [ 3. Dieterich, Mutter Erde), sometimes water, silt, mud or even the vase or container shell, are the primordial matrix from which spring forth forms, as in the Karelians, Estonians, the ancient Indians 4. Its multiple back and forth between worlds and worlds to describe the limits of the adventure of the wandering and nostalgic soul 5. Lebensangst Kayser talk about for fear of living (Das Groteske Where this back and forth tragicomic that develops when Plume travel Failing

Given are the examples of hindi word aage kee or usage in english sentences. The examples of aage kee or are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., ahead, forward, forth.

But I went ahead and showed that I had tried the experiment.

Even if the trial balance does not tally due to the existence of one sided errors, accountant has to carry forward his accounting process prepare financial statements.
If some errors committed during an accounting year are not located and rectified before the finalisation of financial statements, suspense account cannot be closed and its balance will be carried forward to the next accounting period.
Tilloo looked forward to seeing the sun (if it was daytime) or the stars (if it was night) about which he had heard and read so much.
However, there lies a bright future ahead for this upcoming industry.
This represents a great step forward for 'green chemistry', reducing potentially hazardous waste through smarter production.
It is often said that planning is looking ahead while controlling is looking back.
Therefore, planning involves looking ahead and is called a forward-looking function.
After the decisions relating to the above mentioned factors have been taken, the entrepreneur can go ahead with actual launching of the enterprise which would mean mobilising various resources, fulfilling necessary legal formalities, starting the production process and initiating the sales promotion campaign.
Export and import of goods is not that straight forward as buying and selling in the domestic market.
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